Highspot Event Terms of Use

These Program Terms for Events (“Program Terms”) apply to any attendance of, or participation in, any event hosted or organized by Highspot, including paid or free in-person and online events and webinars (each, an “Event”).

These Program Terms are incorporated by reference into the Sponsorship Agreement and form part of the Agreement between you and Highspot. Highspot may also update these Program Terms from time to time, as described in the Sponsorship Agreement. Capitalized terms used but not defined in these Program Terms have the meanings given in the Sponsorship Agreement. You may not, and you must not, attend or participate in any Event unless you have accepted the Agreement.

1. Remedial Actions

Without limiting any other remedy under the Agreement or applicable law, if you fail to comply with these Program Terms or any other agreement between you and Highspot or any Highspot affiliate, Highspot may take any action it deems appropriate in response, including cancelling your Event registration without any refund or banning you from the applicable Event or any or all other Events. Please report any non-compliance with these Program Terms.

2. Transfers and Cancellations

Highspot may permit you to transfer your registration of certain Events to another person within your organization at Highspot’s discretion, subject to its applicable transfer and cancellation policies. Highspot reserves the right to change its transfer and cancellation policies from time to time by notifying you of such changes by any reasonable means.

3. Payments

Event fees and other charges may apply to your attendance of or participation in any Event, or may otherwise be incurred by you in connection with an Event. If payment of any fees or charges is required, you may be asked to supply certain relevant information, such as your credit card number and its expiration date, your billing address and your shipping information. You represent and warrant that you have the right to use any credit card for which you provide any credit card information in connection with a payment transaction. By submitting such information, you grant to Highspot the right to provide such information to third parties for purposes of facilitating payment transactions. Verification of information may be required prior to the acknowledgment or completion of any payment transaction. You will pay all fees and charges incurred by you or on your behalf in connection with an Event, at the prices in effect and disclosed to you when such fees or charges are incurred. In addition, you are responsible for any taxes applicable to your payment transactions.

Highspot reserves the right, including without prior notice, to cancel, terminate, or impose conditions on the honoring of any coupon, discount, or similar promotion. Any refunds for Highspot’s cancellation of an Event will be subject to Highspot’s applicable refund policies. Payments made for one Event may not be applied toward the purchase of any other Event, product, or services. While it is Highspot’s practice to confirm Event-related payment transactions by e-mail, the receipt of an e-mail confirmation does not constitute acceptance of an order or confirmation of an offer to sell a product or service.

4. Badges

For an in-person Event, an Event badge may be available for you to pick up at the designated check-in area of the Event venue during the scheduled Event dates. You must show a government-issued picture identification to pick up your Event badge. You will not be admitted into the Event venue without an Event badge.

Badges may contain RFID or NFC tags or other technology that may be used to record your attendance and participation in the Event (including visiting booths and attending sessions). By allowing your badge to be scanned at an Event, you hereby authorize the operator of the badge scanner to collect and process such information.

You acknowledge that if your badge is scanned by or for any sponsor or other third party with a badge scanner (each, an “Event Sponsor”), then that Event Sponsor may have access to a third-party report that includes such attendance and participation information, and also certain of your registration information. Highspot is not responsible for the privacy practices of any Event Sponsor or other third party. Please contact the Event Sponsor or third party to learn more about its practices with respect to any information that it collects. For clarity, to the extent that Highspot collects any Personal Data regarding your attendance or participation in the Event for Highspot’s use, it will be subject to Highspot’s Privacy Statement.

If you do not wish to permit the uses and disclosures of information described in this Section, do not allow any Event Sponsor or third party to scan your badge at any Event.

5. Government Employees and Officials

If you are a government employee or official, you must identify yourself as such during the registration process for an Event, and, for an in-person Event, you may be asked to present your government-issued employee badge during the check-in process.

If you are a government employee or official and you are offered free or discounted attendance or participation at an Event, you must disclose your attendance at the Event to your employing government agency in advance, and obtain such agency’s permission for you to accept free or discounted attendance at such Event. You must also confirm your compliance with the foregoing upon request by Highspot.

If you are a government employee or official, you must also comply, for the entire duration of the Event, with all applicable rules and regulations imposed by your employing agency, including those rules and regulations relating to the acceptance and disclosure of gifts and gratuities.

6. Security

Highspot reserves the right, including without prior notice, to take any security measures it deems appropriate for the safety of attendees and participants of in-person Events. You will comply with all such security measures, including the following:

At all times during an in-person Event (including at any Event venue or during any Event session, keynote or other activity), you will wear your Event badge such that it is visible to other Event attendees and participants. You will not share or exchange your Event badge with any other person. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in confiscation of your Event badge and termination of your attendance or participation in the Event.
Bags may be checked randomly during certain hours of an in-person Event.
You will not leave any bags or other property unattended at any time. Unattended property may be removed.
Except as specifically pre-approved by Highspot in writing, no persons under 18 years of age will be permitted to attend any Event or portion thereof (including any session, breakout, keynote or other activity), or otherwise be present at any Event venue, including in the expo hall.
Items prohibited at in-person Events include: firearms and other weapons, explosives, and other hazardous materials or articles. You will not bring with you or have in your possession any such items at any time during your attendance at an in-person Event.

7. Affiliated Services

The Highspot Events mobile application (or any other application or website through which you may register for an Event or access Event information or materials) may contain or make available information on accommodation, transportation, and other services provided by third parties (each, an “Affiliated Service”). For further clarity, hotel reservations are provided as an Affiliated Service, and Highspot is not responsible for any issues or disputes between you and any hotel. You will be responsible for complying with the hotel’s cancellation policy, including if an Event is cancelled for any reason.

8. Personal Release

Highspot (and/or others on behalf of Highspot) may be photographing, recording (both audio and video), webcasting, podcasting, or otherwise transmitting during any or all of an Event (including at the Event venue during an Event session, breakout, keynote, or other activity). Your image, likeness, voice, statements, and other identifying characteristics (each, an “Image”) may be captured in photographs, recordings (both audio and video), webcasts, podcasts, or other transmissions of the Event (each, a “Recording”).

You hereby grant to Highspot a worldwide, royalty-free, fully paid-up, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, and fully sublicensable (through multiple tiers) license, without additional consideration to you or any third party, to reproduce, distribute, perform, and display (publicly or otherwise), create derivative works of, adapt, modify, and otherwise use, analyze, and exploit Recordings (including your Images therein), in whole or in part, in any format or media now known or hereafter developed, and for any purpose (including for promotional purposes, such as testimonials).

Highspot exclusively owns all right, title and interest (including intellectual property rights) in and to the Recordings, all modifications and derivatives of Recordings, and all proceeds derived therefrom. Highspot has no obligation to share any such proceeds with you.

You hereby irrevocably waive any right you may have to inspect or approve the use or other exploitation of any Recording or any reproductions thereof, and you agree that Highspot has no obligation to use any Recording (including any of your Images) or otherwise exercise any of the rights granted to Highspot with respect to your Images.

Your Images may appear in Recordings made available to the public, and third parties may retain, use or distribute such Recordings. Once made available to the public, Highspot has no control over, and is not responsible for, any use or misuse (including any distribution) by any third party of Recordings.

In connection with the use or other exploitation of Recordings (including your Images), you hereby irrevocably waive and release any and all claims with respect to intellectual property, rights of publicity, rights of privacy, and any other claims or damages with respect to such use or other exploitation. You affirm that you are of legal age and have read the foregoing release and fully understand its contents.

9. Permission to Use Materials

You grant Highspot and its employees, agents, contractors, or representatives permission to use, reproduce, combine with other works, and publish worldwide, in all media, your trademarks and logo(s), including, without limitation, posting on websites, or publishing in other print or electronic media, brochures, newsletters, advertisements, and magazines for the sole purpose of promoting that someone from your company will be attending the event that you have registered for. Highspot may edit materials only as necessary to conform them to a given media, e.g., changing the size of an image, but will not modify your trademarks or logos in any other way without your prior written consent.

10. Forward-Looking Statements

Highspot may make or present forward-looking statements regarding its future events or future financial performance, or future events or future financial performance of its affiliates or partners. Words such as “expects,” “goals,” “plans,” “believes,” “continues,” “may,” and variations of such words and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. In addition, any statements that refer to or may imply future financial performance, anticipated growth and trends in Highspot businesses, and other characterizations of future events or circumstances are forward-looking statements. All such statements that are not historical facts are based on Highspot’s current expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, and the actual events or results may differ materially.

11. Assumption of Risk

Your attendance of or participation in an Event or any related activities is completely voluntary. Highspot does not guarantee admittance to all or any part of any Event (including any session, breakout, keynote, or other activity). Unless specified otherwise by Highspot, all event sessions, breakouts, keynotes, or other activities, if applicable, are seated on a first-come, first-served basis. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, you accept and assume all risks of any and all personal injury or damage to your personal property that you may face while attending an Event, and hereby waive any claims you may have against Highspot, its affiliates, Event Sponsors, or Event vendors relating to such risks.

Highspot reserves the right, including without prior notice, to limit the number of Event attendees and participants, to cancel or terminate any Event registration, to bar any person from attending all or any part of any Event, and to refuse to provide any person with access to Event materials.

12. Changes to Events

Events are subject to change at any time. Highspot does not guarantee the attendance of any third party (including any exhibitor or speaker), or that any scheduled session, breakout, keynote, or other activity will take place.

Highspot reserves the right, including without prior notice, to make any change to an Event program at any time for any reason (including modification of the schedule or content of, or cancellation of, any session, breakout, keynote, or other activity). Highspot is not responsible for, and no reimbursement will be issued in the event of, any change to an Event (including modification of the overall Event program, or the schedule or content of, or cancellation of, any session, keynote, or other activity).

13. Limitation of Liability

The maximum aggregate liability of Highspot, together with all Highspot affiliates, for all damages, losses and causes of action in connection with these Program Terms or an Event, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, will be the Event registration fees, if any, paid by you to and received by Highspot for the Event giving rise to the liability.

14. Survival

Sections 1, 3 (with respect to fees and other charges incurred by you prior to the expiration or termination of the Agreement), 7–14 of these Program Terms will survive termination of the Sponsorship Agreement or these Program Terms.

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