Sales enablement has experienced rapid growth in recent years as its strategic business value increases worldwide. As it continues to evolve as a function, stakeholders have an increasing desire to understand the sales enablement metrics that will help their businesses be most successful.

This fall, Sales Enablement PRO and the Sales Enablement Society joined forces to conduct research into how practitioners are tracking the business impact of their efforts. The research for this report leverages both quantitative and qualitative insights on metrics commonly used to measure success, as well as emerging trends.

The results of this research are now available in the Sales Enablement Analytics Report 2019, which dives deep into effective strategies for measuring sales enablement success across three main scorecard areas: Performance, Proficiency, and Productivity.

A brief highlight of the findings is below, and the full report is available to download at the bottom of the page.

Key Insights

  • Sales enablement plays a critical role in customer experience initiatives and investments.
    • More than 30% of organizations are now tracking customer-centric values, like Net Promoter Score (NPS), as core sales enablement metrics.
  • Companies are starting to turn their attention to measuring competencies, as well as the critical role that frontline managers play in coaching.
    • Those that measure seller competencies experience win rates that are six points higher than companies that do not.
  • Tracking the impact of content is highly correlated with increased win rates.
    • Those that measure influenced revenue of their content report win rates that are 12 points higher than those that do not.

Sales enablement has the potential to improve performance, proficiency, and productivity company-wide. To elevate the importance and authority of sales enablement as a business function, practitioners must work collectively to establish robust sales enablement analytics in the areas that are proven to drive significant business impact. Download the full report now to learn more.