Deadline extended! Accepting nominations through Friday, December 11.

As the sales enablement industry continues to grow and has significantly evolved over the past year to help organizations navigate rapid change, it’s important to recognize the work that practitioners have done to set the standard for what good looks like and establish best practices. To that end, we are proud to announce our inaugural Sales Enablement PRO Member Awards.

These awards recognize sales enablement practitioners that have delivered exceptional work over the past year. There are twelve awards available across four categories: Business Impact, Initiative of the Year, Innovation, and People’s Choice and nominations are open now!

Award Categories

Business Impact

This category recognizes enablement practitioners and teams that correlate their sales enablement initiatives to impact across their business as a whole.

  • Sales Productivity: The sales enablement practitioner or team that has caused the greatest increase in the productivity of the sales teams they support in 2020.
  • Sales Proficiency: The sales enablement practitioner or team that has created the greatest increase in the proficiency of their sales teams in 2020.
  • Sales Performance: The sales enablement practitioner or team that has influenced the greatest increase in the performance of their sales teams in 2020.

Initiative of the Year

This category recognizes enablement practitioners and teams that created exemplary initiatives, impacting the culture, process, strategy, or business results across their organization.

  • Onboarding, Training & Coaching: The sales enablement practitioner or team that created and launched the best Onboarding, Training and/or Coaching initiative in 2020.
  • Content & Guidance: The sales enablement practitioner or team that created and launched the best initiative in 2020 to support corporate initiatives with the content and guidance (by way of sales processes and plays) to increase rep engagement.
  • Buyer/Customer Engagement & Experience: The sales enablement practitioner or team that created and launched the best Engagement & Experience initiativen for your buyers and/or customers in 2020.


This category recognizes enablement practitioners and teams that created the most innovative initiatives in 2020. Creative solutions will shine in this category.

  • Sales Transformation: The sales enablement practitioner or team that has created and launched the most innovative solution or initiative that has had a significant impact on the transformation of their sales team or sales processes.
  • Virtual Enablement Evolution: The sales enablement practitioner or team that has created and launched the most innovative solution or initiative to virtually enable their sales team.
  • Unified Sales Enablement Stack: The sales enablement practitioner or team that has architected and launched the most innovative solution using a unified solution stack.

People’s Choice

This category recognizes enablement practitioners that have made an impact across the enablement function and community. These people exemplify what it means to be a sales enablement expert and are models of success.

  • Best Sales Enablement Team: A sales enablement team that has made a significant, meaningful contribution to the sales enablement community in 2020.
  • Rising Sales Enablement Star: A new sales enablement practitioner (defined as in the profession for under 24 months as of October 2020) that has made a significant meaningful impact in the sales enablement community.
  • Sales Enablement Executive of the Year: The sales enablement executive (CRO, CSEO, CSO, etc.) that has made a significant meaningful impact in sales enablement.

The Process

  1. Nomination: Now through November 30 December 11 – We want to hear from you, the Sales Enablement PRO members. Nominate yourself, a colleague, a peer, or a customer that is doing incredible work in sales enablement. Leverage the PRO Member Awards Nomination Form to prepare to submit your nomination.
  2. Evaluation: December 2020 – Nominations will be reviewed based on stringent criteria and vetted through Sales Enablement PRO.
  3. Announcement of Winners: January 27, 2021 – At the Winter Sales Enablement Soirée, the winners will be announced!


To submit a nomination you must be a member of Sales Enablement PRO. If you are not currently a member, sign up today.


  • Nominees will received an evaluation of initiatives, impact, and innovation in comparison to others in the industry by enablement experts.
  • Winners receive recognition from peers as best in class (company & individual), the opportunity to speak at an upcoming Sales Enablement Soirée, an award trophy, featured on Sales Enablement PRO, the opportunity to contribute to Sales Enablement PRO expertise, and an award winner badge added to their PRO profile(s).


Once you are logged into your Sales Enablement PRO account, click the below link to begin a nomination. Only complete nominations will be accepted and reviewed.